Global Medieval Sourcebook A Digital Repository of Medieval Texts

Western Europe

A Brief Treatise of Doctrine Useful for Every Christian

Breve tratado de doctrina útil para todo cristiano

An Explanation of Divination Through the Apostles

Sortes apostolite ad explanandum

As I came from Campagna

Veniendo de la Campanna

Between Sessa and Cintura

Entre Sesa et Cintura

Between hill and valley deep

Zwischen perg und tieffe tal

Chronicle [Prologue]

Cronica [vorrede]

Chronicle of King Peter I [Prologue]

Chronica del Rey D. Pedro [Prologo]

Concerning Life and Death

De vita et morte

Concerning Man and Woman

De homine et muliere

Concerning Precious Topaz

De topasio pretioso



Dearest sight of my heart

Hertz liebstes pyld

Farewell! It hurts

Ade mit layd

Filbert's Vision

La visión de Filiberto

Fortune grants me comfort and hope

Gelück mir trost und hoffnug geit

Grace, honor and praise are her domain

Zucht er und lob ir wonet bey

Help, our lady of Aachen!

Hilf fraw von Ach

How Sir John of Acre, butler of France, who was on guard, was deceived b...

Comment mesire Jehan d'Acre, bouteillier de France qui faisait le guet fu dec...

In Honor of St. Augustine

Hymnus in honorem Sancti Augustini

In Honor of the Holy Cross

In honorem sanctae crucis

Introduction: So that rivals do not slander this collection of jokes for...

Ne Aemuli Carpant Facetiarum Opus, Propter Eloquentiae Tenuitatem

Joke 114: About the prostitute who complained about the barber’s evil deed

Facetia CXIV: De Meretrice Conquerente De Tonsoris Maleficio

Joke 121: The Brilliant Dante's Joke

Facetia CXXI: Iocatio Dantis clarissimi

Joke 13: The saying of the cook of the famous duke of Milan

Facetia XIII: Dictum Coci Illustrissimo Duci Mediolanensi Habitum

Joke 273: The obscene comparison of the teeth that threatened to fall out

Facetia CCLXXIII: De dentibus casum minantibus similitudo obscena

Joke 27: The pregnant sister of the citizen of Constance

Facetia XXVII: Civis Constantiae Soror Gravida Facta

Joke 54: About the man who wounded Ridolfo (II da Varano di Camerino) wi...

Facetia LIV: De Quodam Qui Redolphum Sagittando Vulneravit

Joke 57: The elegant reply of the Florentine poet Dante

Facetia LVII: Responsio elegans dantis poete florentini

Joke 58: A witty reply from the same poet

Facetia LVIII: Eiusdem poete faceta responsio

Joke 5: About the stupid man who thought his wife had two pussies

Facetia V: De Homine Insulso Qui Existimavit Duos Cunnos In Uxore

Joke 70: The greedy man who tasted urine

Facetia LXX: De Avaro Qui Urinam Degustavit

Joke 81: The debate between a Florentine and a Venetian

Facetia LXXXI: Disceptatio Inter Florentinum Et Venetum

Joke 82: Antonio Loschi’s analogy

Facetia LXXXII: Comparatio Antonii Lusci

Junius Peperit Charm

Maria virgo peperit Christum

Just as the elephant

“Atressi cum l'orifans”

Marston Childbirth Prayer

Omnipotens sempiterne Deus

Millstatt Plaint of Sin

Millstatter Sündenklage



My heart has made a pact with love

Mein hertz hat sich mit lieb verpflicht

Now the depths of my heart

Yetz schaydens wee ist worden kund

Of the names of the Prussian false gods

Vonn dem namen der Preuschen abgöttir

Oh, how it troubles me!

Ha, qu'il m'ennuie!

On the Origin of the Pastoral Care

De origine Regulae pastoralis

Our vicar is away

Unser pfarrer ist auf der pan

Outside of Rome, crossing Marino

Partiendo de Roma, passando Marino

Regarding Sister Agnes Waller of Blessed Memory

Item de sorore sancte memorie Agnete, Wallaria cognomento

Regarding an outrageous incident at the University of Paris

De enormis casu in Universitate Parisiensis

Regarding blessed Haseka, virgin recluse in Westphalia

De B. Haseka, virgine reclusa in Westphalia

Romance of the French (Alfred)

Le Roman des Franceis (Arflet)

Sermon on St. Nobody

Nemo [Sermon]

Sermon on the Coming of the Lord

sermo de adventu domini

Song IV "Go quickly, little letter

Carmen IV "Cartula, perge cito

The Besom of Devotion

Idbraim duit, a Athair

The Burial of Arthur

Claddedigaeth Arthur

The Charcoal-Burner of Nevers

Il Carbonaio di Niversa

The Girl Who Wanted to Fly

La pucele qui vouloit voler

The Gosling

Daz Genselin

The King of Tars

Þe king of Tars

The Lay of Ludwig

Das Ludwigslied

The Legend of the Damsel Carcayçiona

ءَالْرَاكُنْتَمِيانْتُ دَا لَذُنْزَالّ كركيسينُ

The Moral Dialogue of Creatures [Preface]

Dyalogus creaturarum moralizatus [Præfatio]

The Passion of the Holy Virgins: Hope, Faith, Charity, and their Mother,...

Passio Sanctarum Virginum: Spei, Fidei, Karitatis, et Matris earum Sapientiae

The Queen of France

Die Königin von Frankreich

The Song of Gutenberg


The Song of Peter


The Spring – The Hecatomb for Diane, VI

Le Printemps – L’hécatombe à Diane, VI

The Spring – The Hecatomb for Diane, VII

Le Printemps – L’hécatombe à Diane, VII

The Sultan's Daughter in the Flower Garden

Die Sultanstochter im Blumengarten

The Trojan War

Der Trojanerkrieg

The Two Confessions

Dÿ zwu peicht

The Wessobrunn Prayer

Das Wessobrunner Gebet

The Wino

Der Weinschwelg

The trust that I have in you

La fiance que j'ay en vous

Traveling through Tuscany

Passando por la Toscana

Two or three days ago

Depuis deux ou trois jours enca

Underneath my forehead I carry your beautiful image

Jus lo front port vostra bella semblança

Vorau Plaint of Sin

Vorauer Sündenklage

Walking out of an olive grove

Saliendo de un oliuar

Wandering lost, it was already night

Andando perdido, de noche ya era

Whoever repays loyalty with falsehood

Wer trew mit valsch vergelten wil