Global Medieval Sourcebook A Digital Repository of Medieval Texts

13th Century

An Explanation of Divination Through the Apostles

Sortes apostolite ad explanandum

How Sir John of Acre, butler of France, who was on guard, was deceived b...

Comment mesire Jehan d'Acre, bouteillier de France qui faisait le guet fu dec...

On April - to the Praise of its Creator

ܥܠ ܢܝܣܢ ܫܘܒܚܐ ܠܡܟܝܢܢܗ

Prologue to the Book of Histories

Li prologue ou livre des estoires

Regarding Sister Agnes Waller of Blessed Memory

Item de sorore sancte memorie Agnete, Wallaria cognomento

Sermon on St. Nobody

Nemo [Sermon]

Sermon on the Coming of the Lord

sermo de adventu domini

The Burial of Arthur

Claddedigaeth Arthur

The Girl Who Wanted to Fly

La pucele qui vouloit voler

The Gosling

Daz Genselin

The Wino

Der Weinschwelg