9th Century Copy of the riddle that was said to have been found in the temple of Sat... نسخة اللغز الذي قيل انها وجدت في هيكل زحل مكتوبة في لوح ذهب In Honor of the Holy Cross In honorem sanctae crucis Let the days do as they please دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء Memorial on the Bones of the Buddha 論佛骨表 Muspilli Muspilli On the Origin of the Pastoral Care De origine Regulae pastoralis The Lay of Ludwig Das Ludwigslied The Song of Heinrich De Heinrico The Song of Peter Petruslied The Wessobrunn Prayer Das Wessobrunner Gebet Your friend contests whomever you contest صديقك من يعادي من تعادي “Were it not that poesy tarnished scholars” ولو لا الشعر بالعلماء يزري