Global Medieval Sourcebook A Digital Repository of Medieval Texts

14th Century

An account of how the Cypriots gained victory over Alexandria

ذكر كيفية ظفر القبرسي بالإسكندرية

Chronicle [Prologue]

Cronica [vorrede]

Concerning Life and Death

De vita et morte

Concerning Man and Woman

De homine et muliere

Concerning Precious Topaz

De topasio pretioso

Filbert's Vision

La visión de Filiberto

How Sir John of Acre, butler of France, who was on guard, was deceived b...

Comment mesire Jehan d'Acre, bouteillier de France qui faisait le guet fu dec...

Marston Childbirth Prayer

Omnipotens sempiterne Deus

Regarding Sister Agnes Waller of Blessed Memory

Item de sorore sancte memorie Agnete, Wallaria cognomento

The Charcoal-Burner of Nevers

Il Carbonaio di Niversa

The King of Tars

Þe king of Tars

The Miracle of the Mother of God of the Sign (The Tale of the Battle bet...

слⷡ҇о ѡ҆ ꙁнаменїи ст҇ыѧ бц҇а в лⷮ҇ѣ • ҂ѕ̑ • х̑ • о҇ꙁ е • сътво

The Moral Dialogue of Creatures [Preface]

Dyalogus creaturarum moralizatus [Præfatio]

The Sultan's Daughter in the Flower Garden

Die Sultanstochter im Blumengarten