Global Medieval Sourcebook A Digital Repository of Medieval Texts

12th Century

A Monstrous Courtship

قطعه‌ای از بهمن‌نامه‌ی ایرانشاه بن ابی الخیر

Discourse on Angels and Pagans

Якоже пишеть премудрый Епифаний

In Honor of St. Augustine

Hymnus in honorem Sancti Augustini

Just as the elephant

“Atressi cum l'orifans”

Millstatt Plaint of Sin

Millstatter Sündenklage

On the Merciful God and on the Birds’ Glorifications

در توحید خداوند غفور و تسبیح طیور فرماید

Romance of the French (Alfred)

Le Roman des Franceis (Arflet)

The Passion of the Holy Virgins: Hope, Faith, Charity, and their Mother,...

Passio Sanctarum Virginum: Spei, Fidei, Karitatis, et Matris earum Sapientiae

Vorau Plaint of Sin

Vorauer Sündenklage