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Facetiae: Jokes from the Italian Renaissance



Introduction: So that rivals do not slander this collection of jokes for...

Ne Aemuli Carpant Facetiarum Opus, Propter Eloquentiae Tenuitatem

Joke 114: About the prostitute who complained about the barber’s evil deed

Facetia CXIV: De Meretrice Conquerente De Tonsoris Maleficio

Joke 121: The Brilliant Dante's Joke

Facetia CXXI: Iocatio Dantis clarissimi

Joke 13: The saying of the cook of the famous duke of Milan

Facetia XIII: Dictum Coci Illustrissimo Duci Mediolanensi Habitum

Joke 273: The obscene comparison of the teeth that threatened to fall out

Facetia CCLXXIII: De dentibus casum minantibus similitudo obscena

Joke 27: The pregnant sister of the citizen of Constance

Facetia XXVII: Civis Constantiae Soror Gravida Facta

Joke 54: About the man who wounded Ridolfo (II da Varano di Camerino) wi...

Facetia LIV: De Quodam Qui Redolphum Sagittando Vulneravit

Joke 57: The elegant reply of the Florentine poet Dante

Facetia LVII: Responsio elegans dantis poete florentini

Joke 58: A witty reply from the same poet

Facetia LVIII: Eiusdem poete faceta responsio

Joke 5: About the stupid man who thought his wife had two pussies

Facetia V: De Homine Insulso Qui Existimavit Duos Cunnos In Uxore

Joke 70: The greedy man who tasted urine

Facetia LXX: De Avaro Qui Urinam Degustavit

Joke 81: The debate between a Florentine and a Venetian

Facetia LXXXI: Disceptatio Inter Florentinum Et Venetum

Joke 82: Antonio Loschi’s analogy

Facetia LXXXII: Comparatio Antonii Lusci