Global Medieval Sourcebook A Digital Repository of Medieval Texts

Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Premodern World

An account of how the Cypriots gained victory over Alexandria

ذكر كيفية ظفر القبرسي بالإسكندرية

Discourse on Angels and Pagans

Якоже пишеть премудрый Епифаний

How Sir John of Acre, butler of France, who was on guard, was deceived b...

Comment mesire Jehan d'Acre, bouteillier de France qui faisait le guet fu dec...

Romance of the French (Alfred)

Le Roman des Franceis (Arflet)

The Captivity of Peter Perény, István Majlád and Bálint Török

Príni Péternek, Majlát Istvánnak és Terek Bálintnak fogságokról

The King of Tars

Þe king of Tars

The Loss of Buda and Captivity of Bálint Török

Buda veszéséröl és Terek Bálint fogságárol

The Sultan's Daughter in the Flower Garden

Die Sultanstochter im Blumengarten

The Testament of Magnus

Рᲂукописание , магнᲈша королѧ свѣискаго