Global Medieval Sourcebook A Digital Repository of Medieval Texts

Prayer, Spirituality, and Life after Death: Global Medieval Perspectives

A Brief Treatise of Doctrine Useful for Every Christian

Breve tratado de doctrina útil para todo cristiano

Filbert's Vision

La visión de Filiberto

In Honor of St. Augustine

Hymnus in honorem Sancti Augustini

In Honor of the Holy Cross

In honorem sanctae crucis

Junius Peperit Charm

Maria virgo peperit Christum

Marston Childbirth Prayer

Omnipotens sempiterne Deus

Memorial of our father Ignatios, Patriarch of Constantinople

μνήμη τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν Ἰγατίου πατριάρχου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως

Millstatt Plaint of Sin

Millstatter Sündenklage

Noble prayer said when standing before kings, known by experience to be ...

دعاء شريف يقال عند مقابلة الملوك نافع مجرب إن شاء الله تعالى

On the Merciful God and on the Birds’ Glorifications

در توحید خداوند غفور و تسبیح طیور فرماید

On the Origin of the Pastoral Care

De origine Regulae pastoralis

Regarding Sister Agnes Waller of Blessed Memory

Item de sorore sancte memorie Agnete, Wallaria cognomento

Regarding blessed Haseka, virgin recluse in Westphalia

De B. Haseka, virgine reclusa in Westphalia

Sermon on the Coming of the Lord

sermo de adventu domini

The Besom of Devotion

Idbraim duit, a Athair

The Legend of the Miracles of the Vladimir Mother of God Icon

Ꙗко бо слн҃це створи бъ҃

The Miracle of the Mother of God of the Sign (The Tale of the Battle bet...

слⷡ҇о ѡ҆ ꙁнаменїи ст҇ыѧ бц҇а в лⷮ҇ѣ • ҂ѕ̑ • х̑ • о҇ꙁ е • сътво

The Tale of Solomon and Kitrovas

ѡ҆ Китоврасѣ ѿ палеи

Vorau Plaint of Sin

Vorauer Sündenklage

Your friend contests whomever you contest

صديقك من يعادي من تعادي

“Were it not that poesy tarnished scholars”

ولو لا الشعر بالعلماء يزري